Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Web 2.0: Providers Wake Up!

Dr. Windley on his Technometria blog shares some insight from David Friedman of Avenue A | Razorfish. The gist is providers of e-commerce either need to be in the Web 2.0 space or they're dead. Consumers want to not just be talked to, but want to play with services in order to be satisfied. But that's only part of the equation. Your services should be portable and useful contextually outside of your own offering.

I would agree and pretty much everything I'm thinking about right now is centered around services, SOA, how to consume and how to provide. What's more, I'm thinking in terms of my everyday interactions and how this same model impacts real world experiences. Maybe I'm approaching a breakthrough? Hope so!

What is the best 2.0 site you've experienced?

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