Thursday, November 6, 2008

iPhone as Modem for a Laptop? Sign Me Up

Supposedly, AT&T is going to be sanctioning the iPhone as a modem for the laptop, "soon," according to an interview by Michael Arrington of AT&T Mobility CEO Ralph De La Vega. Of course, if AT&T has their fingers in the pie on this they'll monetize on it. The pricing information was undisclosed so it should be interesting to see what the plans offer. Wouldn't it just be peachy to tether the phone for free? Ya right!

CNN's 'Hologram' Rebuttal by CNET Makes Sense

OK, I may have categorized myself as idiotic and premature in sounding off about the hologram CNN showcased during election night. According to CNET's blogger, I must be "drinking Wolf Blitzer's Kool-Aid" if I believe that the technology took news reporting to a new height.

The blogger made some good points though:
  • We receive value in seeing the environment of a reporter
  • Elimination of the environment may make the setting more intimate but it obscures the true report
  • The hologram was a bit poor as the rendering was somewhat jagged
All that said, it was cool for a major network to try out the technology. Maybe this will spark additional technologies and give us more empowerment in the future.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Star Wars Style Hologram on CNN's Election Lineup

For those of you that missed it (myself included), CNN developed and ran a hologram rendering, real-time, of a correspondent in a remote location and merged it with a newsroom rendering during the election night broadcast.

What's cool about this is we've been watching this technology in the movies since, oh, 1977 with EP IV, A New Hope. But to actually implement it and during the election night broadcast of all times to unveil it is pretty cool. Next thing you know Apple will develop the iChat into iHolo and we'll have mobile holograms. Hmm, iHolo. Maybe I should register that trademark and domain ;)